Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Although, I am too very small to write about Mahatma Gandhi, I would put few questions here, which always intrigue me about him.

One of the many books that my dad gifted me, Gandhiji for children introduced me to Gandhiji, and i read it as a kid only to prepare for elocution speeches at school. I always won them, because the thoughts and ideas and the personality is so profound, i feel the medium is immaterial ;).

Ok, so that introduced me to 'My Experiments with truth', that was the first full size biography i read. It was tough, because meree english kacchi hain .  But as i read and re-read every few years, i start to learn even more (unlearn more)

What must have driven a very homely, secure, shy man to take up a cause and lead the entire nation.
What must have happened, when on that opportune train ride to Johannesburg, he was thrown out of the First Class compartment, inspite of having a legitimate pass.

What made him take up celibacy, to take up Buddhism, before inspiring the nation?

What element made him choose the path of non-violence. What made the entire nation follow his path.

What is it in him, that still has so much impact on the world.

Each day, why does his relevance in today's changing time seem more and more apt.

Was the path taken by him was a way for self discovery, and all he wanted to do was know his Self?
Dont know.

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