Monday, October 14, 2013

Don’t start none. Won’t be none.

Don’t Start None, Won’t Be None

Something that happens every day, to me and many other people who write things: you get asked to do something for free. There’s an idea that mere “writing” isn’t actually “work,” and besides which “exposure” should be more than enough recompense. (Can I eat exposure? Can I smoke it?)
You know, that’s okay. I’m constantly asking people to do things for less recompense than their time is worth; it’s worth a shot. For a young writer who is trying to build a career, exposure might actually be valuable. But most of the time the writer will politely say no and everyone will move on.
For example, just recently an editor named “Ofek” at asked DNLee to provide some free content for him. She responded with:
Thank you very much for your reply.
But I will have to decline your offer.
Have a great day.
Here’s what happens less often: the person asking for free content, rather than moving on, responds by saying
Because we don’t pay for blog entries?
Are you an urban scientist or an urban whore?
Where I grew up, when people politely turn down your request for free stuff, it’s impolite to call them a “whore.” It’s especially bad when you take into account the fact that we live in a world where women are being pushed away from science, one where how often your papers get cited correlates strongly with your gender, and so on.
DNLee was a bit taken aback, with good reason. So she took to her blog to respond. It was a colorful, fun, finely-crafted retort — and also very important, because this is the kind of stuff that shouldn’t happen in this day and age. Especially because the offender isn’t just some kid with a website; Biology Online is a purportedly respectable site, part of the Scientific American “Partners Network.” One would hope that SciAm would demand an apology from Ofek, or consider cutting their ties with the organization.
Sadly that’s not what happened. If you click on the link in the previous paragraph, you’ll get an error. That’s because Scientific American, where DNLee’s blog is hosted, decided it wasn’t appropriate and took it down.
It’s true that this particular post was not primarily concerned with conveying substantive scientific content. Like, you know, countless other posts on the SciAm network, or most other blogs. But it wasn’t about gossip or what someone had for lunch, either; interactions between actual human beings engaged in the communication of scientific results actually is a crucial part of the science/culture/community ecosystem. DNLee’s post was written in a jocular style, but it wasn’t only on-topic, it was extremely important. Taking it down was exactly the wrong decision.
I have enormous respect for Scientific American as an institution, so I’m going to hope that this is a temporary mistake, and after contemplating a bit they decide to do the right thing, restoring DNLee’s post and censuring the guy who called her a whore. But meanwhile, I’m joining others by copying the original post here. Ultimately it’s going to get way more publicity than it would have otherwise. Maybe someday people will learn how the internet works.
Here is DNLee. (Words cannot express how much I love the final picture.)
wachemshe hao hao kwangu mtapoa
I got this wrap cloth from Tanzania. It’s a khanga. It was the first khanga I purchased while I was in Africa for my nearly 3 month stay for field research last year. Everyone giggled when they saw me wear it and then gave a nod to suggest, “Well, okay”. I later learned that it translates to “Give trouble to others, but not me”. I laughed, thinking how appropriate it was. I was never a trouble-starter as a kid and I’m no fan of drama, but I always took this 21st century ghetto proverb most seriously:
Don’t start none. Won’t be none.
For those not familiar with inner city anthropology – it is simply a variation of the Golden Rule. Be nice and respectful to me and I will do the same. Everyone doesn’t live by the Golden Rule it seems. (Click to embiggen.)
The Blog editor of Biology-Online dot org asked me if I would like to blog for them. I asked the conditions. He explained. I said no. He then called me out of my name.
My initial reaction was not civil, I can assure you. I’m far from rah-rah, but the inner South Memphis in me was spoiling for a fight after this unprovoked insult. I felt like Hollywood Cole, pulling my A-line T-shirt off over my head, walking wide leg from corner to corner yelling, “Aww hell nawl!” In my gut I felt so passionately:”Ofek, don’t let me catch you on these streets, homie!”
This is my official response:
It wasn’t just that he called me a whore – he juxtaposed it against my professional being: Are you urban scientist or an urban whore? Completely dismissing me as a scientist, a science communicator (whom he sought for my particular expertise), and someone who could offer something meaningful to his brand.What? Now, I’m so immoral and wrong to inquire about compensation? Plus, it was obvious me that I was supposed to be honored by the request..
After all, Dr. Important Person does it for free so what’s my problem? Listen, I ain’t him and he ain’t me. Folks have reasons – finances, time, energy, aligned missions, whatever – for doing or not doing things. Seriously, all anger aside…this rationalization of working for free and you’ll get exposure is wrong-headed. This is work. I am a professional. Professionals get paid. End of story. Even if I decide to do it pro bono (because I support your mission or I know you, whatevs) – it is still worth something. I’m simply choosing to waive that fee. But the fact is told ol’ boy No; and he got all up in his feelings. So, go sit on a soft internet cushion, Ofek, ’cause you are obviously all butt-hurt over my rejection. And take heed of the advice on my khanga.
You don’t want none of this
Thanks to everyone who helped me focus my righteous anger on these less-celebrated equines. I appreciate your support, words of encouragement, and offers to ride down on his *$$.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shawshank Redemption - Lessons

Everyone of my wonderful friends asked me "Did you watch Shawshank Redemption?", to that I would embarrassingly say "Yeah, I havent seen it yet, i see it is the 1st on IMDB."
Finally I watched it, and boy do i say, that i hate that movie getting over.
I wish i could see more and more of Andy, teaching life lessons as we watched the movie.

So what did i learn from the movie.

1. Have Hope and Persist.
Andy didnt murder, but shit happens. It was bad luck, he was thrown in.
Did he whin and cry like the fatso. No.
He was busy building his dream. He had hope, he persisted day and night for 20 long years
He used a rock hammer to break the mighty prison walls.

He had fun all along. He was always living in present. He offered his services and won some tough nuts.
Have hope. It's the only thing, we all have within our control; strengthening us, when going gets tough.

2. Be Generous, Be Useful, always.
He was a banker. What could he do in a jail? He offered his genuine counsel to the police and the authorities. He filed their taxes year after year for 15 long years winning place among the authorities.

The warden was a blunt nut, but did Andy fear him? Yes, may be. Did he duck? No.
Instead, he helped build warden's fortune, and ended up securing the fortune for himself.

3. Be Positive. Period
When other inmates worried being "institutionalized", he worried strolling in the park dropping soil from his tunnel expedition for 20 long years.
His mates were worried about not fitting in the outside world. he was busy dreaming of freedom and ideas.

4. Persist, no matter what, persist.
He wrote to the government for 6 long years for few books in the library, every week and doubled his effort when he was disappointed with the response after 6 long years.
The result.  A very large furnished library with jail inmates completing schooling.
20 long years! That is a huge time. Each night, continuously he carved through the jail walls his way to freedom. Period.

5. Take Initiative.
Was he afraid of the nutty Captain. oh boy! everyone was. But he had courage. He took initiative when everyone else was looking around on roof top.
Did it pay? Yes, he won the captain, and was saved of the bullies later and also won friends in jail.

He took initiative to revamp the library, and he ended up winning more miles.
He took more initiatives than anyone else. To ask, to seek, to question. He ended up failing more, but he ended up gaining more too.

6. Inspire.
Be inspirational. Give hope. Help others dream, share your dream. The movie teaches me to do things that makes us happy, irrespective of what state we are in.

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying.

I would love to know what this movie taught you. I would be happy to make a compilation of this and attribute this to the movie and the owner of the contribution.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

True Independence

Every 15th August has been waking up early morning, and being forced by dad to watch the National Celebrations and ceremonies.

Waking up early on a holiday every year on this day was also a reminder to wake up from the slumber.

Now more than any other time, I am enjoying my freedom.
Freedom to think and act and influence.
Freedom to choose and focus time and energy and pursue my choice.

I am overwhelmed to see and feel the problems around me. So i choose to act in my own small way.
To take a step in empowering  a fellow Indian and support his choice.

I have chosen not to ignore the problems, the zillion dollar corruptions and scams, the mindless slaughtering and sheer lack of empathy in administration.
To act , take baby steps and create meaning.

I have chosen to contribute towards the progress of a fellow entrepreneurial Indian with Rang De.

Our true independence would be when each one of us would be free to pursue his choice with head held high.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Poem Excerpt - Quest for God

When dire calamity seizes me,

The heart seems weak and faint,

All natures seems to crush me down,

With laws that never bend.

Me seems I hear Thee whispering sweet
My love, "I am near", "I am near".
My heart gets strong. With thee, my love,
A thousand deaths no fear.
Thou speakest in the mother's lay
Thou shuts the babies eye,
When innocent children laugh and play,

I see Thee standing by.
- Swami Vivekananda
(Quest  for God)    -